1.For our current studies we do a prescreening questionnaire of individuals and if anyone is identified as a potential high risk drinker then obviously they would be excluded from the experiment.
2.For our current studies we do a prescreening questionnaire of individuals and if anyone is identified as a potential high risk drinker then obviously they would be excluded from the experiment.
3.A friend and her husband were participating in a blood drive, and as part of the prescreening process, an elderly volunteer was asking some questions.
4.By adding prescreening before secondary crusher, the technical transformation of crushing technology was done in Sanshimudi concentrator.
5.Telephone interviews are prescreening tools used to determine whether or not a candidate matches the position's requirements.
6.Objective: to explore the feasibility of leukaemia prescreening by measuring the pathological WBC histograms.
7.The candidates who had passed the prescreening will be given a face to face interview with music teachers.