1.Methods: Rats were randomly divided into the following groups: normal control, safe decompressing, fast decompressing (FD) injured, and HBO treated groups.
2.They have adopted this format and are seeing reduced storage requirements of about 20% on average and they can achieve improved performance by using it (by lazily decompressing columns as needed).
3.Dictionaries establish a mapping between commonly appearing text strings, and integers, and provide an effective mechanism for compressing and decompressing XML.
4.The isoflavone of kudzu root in Pueraia lobata was extracted by method of decompressing inner ebullition.
5.This allows applications to ship with compressed streams without having to suffer the CPU load and latency of decompressing during playback.
7.The products are obtained by three means: (1) decompressing and distilling the filtrate, recovering the solvent, diluting the residual in the cold water or ice water and filtering;