英式发音:[ˌdɪsæmˈbɪɡjueɪt] 美式发音:[ˌdɪsæmˈbɪɡjueɪt]
1.Since XML Namespaces 1.0 does not allow application of the default namespace to attributes, we must explicitly specify the prefix to disambiguate.
因为XMLNamespaces 1.0不允许应用程序将缺省名称空间用作属性,所以我们必须明确地指定前缀来消除歧义。
2.Each class of Web service could consist of a description of required transports and bindings that must be supported along with some semantics to disambiguate the interaction of such technologies.
3.The striking advantages of the feature-based approach are 1 it is not influenced by the data size, and 2 it can disambiguate some specific words with precision of 100%.
4.There is a great article over at their blog about how great summaries disambiguate topics.
5.The Complete Word option types the rest of a variable, command, or function name once you have entered enough characters to disambiguate the term.