1.Safe, but in a ship with limited range, Mungo despaired that he would forever be adrift in the Cloak of the Sith, but Yeldarb rewarded the young trader's rescue efforts.
2.Be rather the Mungo Park, the Lewis and Clark and Frobisher, of your own streams and oceans;
3.A cutting of devil ' s snare, passed off as a potted plant ( flitterbloom ), was used to murder broderick bode in st. mungo ' s.
一枝魔鬼网,伪装成盆栽的植物(蟹爪兰) ,被用来谋杀在圣芒戈住院的布罗德里克?博德。
5.When he salvaged the Caravel, a ship belonging to trader Mungo Baobab, Koong mistook the sharply dressed man as an envoy of the Empire.
6.Many of the most famous examples of explorers said to have been "lone travellers"—say, Mungo Park or David Livingstone in Africa—were anything but "alone" on their travels.
许多被说成是“孤独的旅客”的最著名的探险家——比如在非洲旅行的Mungo Park或David Livingstone——途中根本不孤独。
7.This sculpture is in Glasgow's Church of saint Mungo, named for the city's patron saint.