1.It must be a lot easier to amass great fortune if your food bill is minuscule, and they don't come much thriftier than Henry Ford, the original hipster, who mostly ate foraged weeds and shrubs.
2.Whether China adopts old Western habits or opts for thriftier and healthier ones will shape the commodities industry.
3.The problem for the euro area is that it has trouble-spots, like Greece, with worse than average finances, and no means (until now) to tap the credit of their thriftier brethren.
4.When I grew up a little, I began to appreciate the meaning of words in economics such as financial crisis and unemployment in life, that is, inferior food and thriftier life.
5.It gets to be considerably fewer complicated and thriftier to accomplish your ambition for chart and refinement.
6.Pay rightly should be part of that discussion: Banks with risky pay structures need more capital than thriftier ones.